Js Gallery : Art collection of ekaki J

“ekaki J“ is illustrator who draws watercolor painting, digital art, pixel art, NFT art, and so on. 
Everything is good, nothing is bad. 
If you feel happy, that means you are happy. 

ekaki J gives you happy. 

ekaki J Official Instagram Account

You can find the latest information about ekaki J on Instagram.

ekaki J Official YouTube Channel

ekaki J – YouTube


NFT ARTs are available on Opensea and Adam by GMO.

Japanese Dragon art & Ancient Japanese characters

Japanese dragons are one of legendary creatures in Japanese mythology and folklore.

KANJI Pixel art

There is a new world of KANJI with pixel art.

Portrait art

Portrait art drawn by Illustorator.

Watercolor painting

彼岸花 Lycoris radiata

Lycoris radiata blooms in September, and language of that flower is You are the only one.


Onoresho is Japanese calligraphy to write letters like drawing a picture.
There is no strict rules, so you can write letters with your feeling. 
If you want to learn Japanese language, Onoresho is one of the good way.
You can learn while having fun.